Friday, March 13, 2009

Things I never thought I'd see...

At our New Year's Eve Party we had all sorts of games. One of those involved playing Raving Rabids on the Wii. (This is a fun group game if anyone has ever played it) There is a dance game in there that quickly became a favorite. I'll let the video speak for itself but watching my dad play Wii within itself is funny enough... dancing through the Wii is a whole 'nother thing! Not to mention Marisa... she's feeling it!! Good times at the Grover's house....


The McGraths said...

That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing that made my day!

Nessa said...

Hey megan!! Oh my gosh Raven Rabids is so much fun!!!

Wish upon a Starr said...

Megan and I stayed up late one evening over the christmas break and played. Talk about the giggles!! It was awesome! The military one where you have to brush your teeth or your armpit. Or, the model walk, very mucho fun!!

Nate and Keshia said...

Oh gosh, that's funny. Looks like you were having a great time! I miss you and hope you are doing well.