Friday, December 4, 2009

Postherpetic Neuralgia

So just because I can't break my arm or get stitches like any other normal person... this week I got diagnosed with shingles on my arm. Yes, shingles. Now before you all start wondering if I've touched you, talked to you, coughed within 30 feet of you within the last week... calm yourselves. Although shingles is the varicella (chicken pox) virus in your body acting up when your immune system is low or you're under stress... it is only contagious with direct affected skin to skin contact and only when the vesicles burst (yummy, huh?). I've had it covered, hence no one has ever touched it and being a compulsive hand washer... all is well.

Luckily, it's been more of an annoyance than painful. Looking shingles up online is enough to scare you silly. (Mike and I have concluded they only post the most severe and disgusting of cases). I also learned as an audiology student in my medical aspects course that shingles (which I learned as Herpes Zoster) is the cause of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome-- which can cause hearing loss, dizziness and Bell's palsy. Talk about a career killer... (ha ha). Of course, mine isn't anywhere near that and not affecting the nerves near my head/face. Interesting nonetheless tho, huh?

Anyway, I know there are some serious cases where people have it all over their body, get really sick and are dealing with a lot of pain. Don't let your imagination go wild. I'm really not a diseased, pustulated woman whose been writhing in pain... no need to shun me. I've actually been very blessed. No spreading, no real pain, no being sick. Yay!

The only problem now is that as the shingles have cleared, I've started having weird pain in my arm. Looking into this more, I've found out this may be called "postherpetic neuralgia". Since shingles attacks the spinal nerves, specifically the dermatomes (C8 in my case), even after the shingles are gone the nerve is affected. It can't send the signals correctly after being attacked and sometimes it sends mixed messages that register as pain. This can last for months in some cases years after the shingles leave.

Well, anyway, I found it all to be quite fascinating. Of course, that might be because I've been reading a medical dictionary lately for fun and watching Dr. Quinn episodes. Anyway, that's the new medical case study happening with me. Never a dull moment in the Mansfield home. I knew you'd all enjoy that anatomy lesson. Class dismissed! =)


Michele and Wyatt said...

Sorry to hear about that. i hope it all gets better soon and the pain doesn't last a couple of years.

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

That so doesn't sound fun, even if it hasn't been too painful! Hopefully the lingering pain goes away quickly.

Eric and Jenny said...

Oh I'm sorry that does not sound fun. My dad was had shingles and it was awful for him he couldn't even get out of bed, so whenever I think of shingles I think of how sick he was. Glad yours is not as bad.

Where are you watching Dr. Quinn do they still have that show on reruns, I loved that show as a kid!

Wish upon a Starr said...

For being shingles, I would have expected to see more of your arm affected. At least you know what it is. Still not fun. I hope all the pain and everything calms down for you. Good luck!!

The Mansfields said...

Thanks all for your well wishes... It's been pretty good and I really don't think the pain is going to last long. I'm very grateful!

Mel, I agree with you! I've complained more than once to Mike that I'm not sure if shingles is the right diagnosis. He just rolls his eyes. ;)

Jenny, I own all the seasons of Dr. Quinn. I get teased about it all the time but when I saw it at Costco... I had to have it. My mom would record and watch them all the time while I was growing up. I LOVE them!! Dr. Quinn is my idol. =)

Brad and Kimberly said...

MEG! I had shingles on my back this summer. So weird. My back and leg hurt a little but other than that they didn't bother me. We looked everything up online too and I was real scared, but it all turned out okay! We can be shingles buddies now!

Tannie Datwyler said...

That's nuts!!!

Sammy said...

ouch! I'm sorry, don't worry i'm not worried about getting shingles from you. thats too bad, and too bad about the pain. yuck, I don't do pain. any kind of pain i can't handle so i'm sure i'd be in bed with your amount of shingles. I'm sorry! Also, I've never had the chicken pox... so I wonder what that means? could I get chicken pox from you? or am i immune? hmmm interesting

About Us said...'re such a disease...just kidding. But, I may shun you a little bit at the next party. ;) love you!

Rick and Camille said...

Oh my word well I'm happy your shingles aren't serious! Your pictures are so cute by the way!